Common Problems During Pregnancy

Creating a new life is treated as a miracle and a mother who conceives may face a lot of inconveniences during the pregnancy. All the problems can be solved with the proper guidance of a doctor. Here is a list of problems and some solutions.

Akshaya Common Problems During Pregnancy

Heartburn is caused by hormonal and physical changes that the body undergoes during pregnancy.

Avoid foods that upset your stomach and eat smaller but more frequent meals with plenty of water in between. Try to sleep propped up instead of flat and to have the last meal at least three hours before going to sleep.


Most pregnant women become constipated due to the hormonal changes that make digestion much slower. Also, as the baby starts to grow, there will be less space for the digestive system to function at its best.

Add more fruits, whole grains, vegetables, and any other foods that are rich in fiber to the diet. Drink a lot of water. Do not take any self-medication without a doctor's advice.

Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is one of the early pregnancy problems and is something that, ironically enough, can happen at any time of the day and for some unfortunate women, can carry on throughout the pregnancy. The symptoms include nausea and vomiting.

Drink adequate water and make sure to drink some half an hour before and after meals. Also, get enough rest. Avoid drinking anything during meals.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums are caused by the same hormone that makes the mucus membrane swell up and makes the sinuses worse.

The best thing to do for bleeding gums is to go to a dentist and inform them about the pregnancy so that they can avoid anything that may be harmful to the baby. Improve eating habits and avoid the sweet stuff as much as possible. Also, ensure that the required amount of calcium is taken at this time.Take better care of the teeth by brushing them properly twice a day. Ask the dentist to prescribe a gentle alcohol-free mouthwash that will help reduce bacteria and plaque.


All bloating, leg cramps and a constant need to pee make pregnant women have trouble sleeping. It is the most common problem.

Before going to bed take a warm bath. Sometimes listening to music and reading a good book can help fall asleep peacefully. Make sure to keep the bedroom cozy and dark so that it gives a better vibe to sleep in. Try reading or doing something else like walking until feel drowsy. Avoid using mobile phones.

Headache and Migraine

Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause a lot of unnecessary problems, but in the case of migraines, it is not just hormonal changes but also a combination of many other factors that contribute to it. For example, if overly stressed and without eating, sleeping, and drinking water properly, they may likely develop migraines.

eat well, rest well, and drink a lot of water. Many migraine medications have been linked to birth defects in babies and so it is best to avoid any medications altogether and focus more on prevention.

If vision starts to become blurry and headache has the company of a fever, must see the doctor. Even if the headache persists for more than a few hours it is always best to check with the doctor as it could be a sign of something else.

Vaginal Discharge

Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is considered to be completely normal and is called leucorrhoea. It is one of the first visual signs of pregnancy. This discharge is white, thin and milky and it has a very mild smell.

If the discharge makes uncomfortable, opt for using party-liners as this will at least allow to feel cleaner, though cannot do anything about the discharge itself. Do not use tampons as these can carry infections into the body, putting the baby at risk.

If the discharge is yellow or green and smells quite strongly, then have to check with the doctor. This is especially risky if it is accompanied by redness or itching as it may be a sign of a vaginal infection. Spotting discharge may not always be a problem, but it is best to mention it to the doctor.

Urinary Incontinence

If peeing a little without meaning to, it is usually Stress Incontinence, something that is caused due to increased pressure on the bladder. This especially causes a lot of pregnancy discomfort at 35 weeks.

Make your bathroom visits frequently. Kegel exercises are another way to help in controlling urinary incontinence as they help to strengthen and tighten the muscles in the pelvic floor. Discuss with a physiotherapist.

If a woman experiences incontinence six weeks after delivery, it should be discussed with the doctor.Akshaya Women's care at Salem provides the best possible solution for this problem. Here the latest medical equipment called"EMSELLA"is installed. It is like a chair where you have to sit just for half an hour. it is very convenient as you sit only with your normal wear of dress. The magnetic vibrations of the equipment tighten your pelvic muscles and cure you of urinary leakage. For a week you need to have two sittings and overall six sittings are enough for the complete solution.

For further details contact our helpline 9141622222 also refer "EMSELLA"IN OUR COSMETIC GYNEC WEB PAGE

Stretch Marks

These are caused by changes in the elastic supportive tissue that lies right under the skin. At first, they are reddish-brown, purple, or dark brown but later they fade away to faint pale marks.

If a woman does not gain more than the recommended weight during each stage of pregnancy stretch marks may not be a problem. Applying a prescribed ointment will help to some extent.

Leg Cramps

They are caused because of the extra weight to carry, they may be also caused due to the compression of the blood vessels in the legs. These troublesome cramps most often happen at night and make sleeping quite difficult.

Stretching the legs is a great way to reduce cramping. While it is possible to do it in bed, you will feel better quicker if you stand up. Cold compresses or even standing on a cold surface can help ease the cramping in the legs.

If the pain does not go away and if the area starts to become red and swollen, consult with the doctor. This may be due to a clot in the artery and it will require medical attention.

High Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a serious problem for some women. While it is not very serious in most cases, in some cases it causes more serious health problems for mother and child.

Follow a healthy diet and do exercises. It will be beneficial to indulge in some stress-busting activities, be it reading a book or taking a walk, as stress can have an impact on your blood pressure. Keeping a check on weight is important as obesity is a major cause of hypertension. Talk with the doctor about the safe medications to use as many blood pressure medications can be passed through the blood to the baby.

If there is a problem with the blood pressure then should see a doctor as it can lead to eclampsia if it is not brought under control.

Skin Changes

All the hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to acne and skin darkening. Some women develop dark circles around the eyes during their pregnancy.

Instead of using over-the-counter medications, which are harmful to the baby, just speak to the doctor about it. Usually, all that is required is to change the skincare routine a little and use mild products. Don't take any medicines on own as it may cause side effects on the baby.


Swollen blood vessels in the rectum are called hemorrhoids and can be as small as a pea or as big as a grape. They are very uncomfortable to have and can sometimes be very painful. At times, they may even bleed during a bowel movement.

If there is an urge to relieve bowels, do not wait; go immediately. Avoid sitting for a longer time than needed and do not put any extra pressure on the rectum. Do Kegel exercises regularly and do not sit or stand for long periods of time at a stretch. If there are already hemorrhoids, try a cotton pad soaked in witch hazel solution, can also sit in a tub of lukewarm water twice a day to ease the pain.

If all home preventative methods and treatments do not work and if there is severe pain or bleeding, get checked as there may be a requirement of medical assistance.

Back pain/Backache

With all the extra weight and the shift in the center of gravity, muscles have to work harder and joints experience more pressure during pregnancy. These things cause backaches. Backaches can also be caused when there is pressure on the nerves.

Unless the doctor has told that it is out of the question, exercise the pain away. Though the woman may feel more inclined towards lying down, that may actually cause more problems in the long run. Fix the posture so that shoulders are back and butt is in. If there is a need to sit for long periods of time, sit straight and don’t slouch. In fact, try not to sit for too long; take a few breaks in the middle to do some stretching or go for a short walk. If need to bend, do it from the knees, and do not bend at the waist as this will put pressure on the back.

If backache lasts for more than two weeks or if it seem to get worse, do not wait and contact your doctor immediately. Those who have not had any previous backaches and who develop them during the late stages of the second trimester or the third trimester need to be very careful as it could be a sign of preterm labor.

Itchy and Leaking Nipples

Your growing breasts cause the itching sensation, whereas the leaky breasts are caused by prolactin, a hormone that readies the body for nursing. Anything from showering to changing the clothes can cause those unwanted leaks.

To prevent nipples from itching, use a thick cream on your nipples. It also helps to use vitamin C or Shea Butter after a shower and avoid any fabrics that irritate use nursing pads in your bra.

Itching nipples are usually not a cause for concern unless you notice a rash. If there is any blood or any discharge from the nipples that smells foul, It should be discussed with a doctor. A worst-case scenario is that it is a sign of breast cancer, but it is more often due to a bacterial infection.


Also called Edema, this is caused due to the excess fluids that get stuck in tissues. As there is a retention of more water during pregnancy, swelling is pretty common. The growing uterus puts pressure on the vena cava and this causes the blood flow back to the legs to be slow, thereby causing the swelling

Lie down on the side so that the pressure on the veins is relieved somewhat. Put the feet up as often as possible and do not cross the ankles or legs on sitting down. Do exercise regularly and drink plenty of water.

If there is a swelling in the face, puffiness of the eyes, and more than moderate swelling in the legs and ankles as well as hands, it should be checked with the doctor as these could be signs of preeclampsia.

Lack of Energy and Fatigue

Fatigue experienced by those in their first trimester is caused due to hormonal changes, whereas the fatigue in the third trimester is caused because of the extra weight to carry as well as all the sleepless nights caused by other pregnancy problems.

If feeling fatigued, make sure to get some rest. Eating a balanced meal will help the energy levels, be very vigilant about the diet. Exercising earlier in the day will not only help to feel energized but will also help sleeping better at night.

Breathing Problems

The hormonal changes, especially progesterone, directly affect the lungs. In the later stages of pregnancy, breathing may become even more labored as the growing uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm causing discomfort during pregnancy.

Do not push too hard during activities. Try your best to take it easy. While in bed, use pillows to prop up instead of lying flat and while sitting, make sure to keep back straight and shoulders back so that the lungs can expand better.

If there is very sudden and severe shortness of breath, feeling fainting, and experience worsening asthma or a racing heartbeat, call someone for help and get to the hospital. If you notice a blue tinge in the fingers, toes, or lips, it may be a severe lack of oxygen and will need help immediately.


Mild itching is completely normal during pregnancy. All the stretching and hormonal changes will cause this in at least twenty percent of pregnant women.

If there is severe itching, use a cold compress to get some relief. Take lukewarm instead of hot baths. After a shower, use a fragrance-free body lotion to soothe the skin.

If the palms and soles of feet are very itchy or if any rash is developed, call the doctor. These could be signs of something more serious.


Mostly it happens during the second or third trimesters. It is caused due to hormonal changes and the weight of the growing baby. It is one of the biggest contributors to pregnancy discomfort.

Eat a few hours before going to bed and have smaller meals at one time. Do not rush through the meal, but eat it slowly. Never drink water during meals. Sleep propped up instead of lying flat. If the symptoms persist, talk to the doctor for medication.

Though it may be very uncomfortable, and even a painful experience, it is not harmful to the baby.

Strange Dreams

Strange dreams are common and considered normal. They tend to happen because of the anxieties due to the upcoming motherhood.

There are some ways of dealing with these dreams if they freak a woman out. Try talking to a partner or close friend about it. write down all the unforgettable and beautiful dreams.

Strange dreams are really nothing to worry about, but if they seem to be stressful, tell the doctor so that she can check for any stress-related problems that may result.